Today we are living under a world order that is committing suicide. It is the responsibility of all spiritually minded people to demand something better. Yet we will not reach this level until we spiritually evolve. How do we do that? We must all learn about the great religious traditions of our world and come together to serve a higher purpose.


The Pursuit of Purpose: Instead of the pursuit of happiness, we need a pursuit of a higher purpose. The problems of our own lives and our planet will not be solved until we can all submit ourselves to a Higher Power that has a greater compassion for us, than we have for ourselves.

The Transition from Globalism to Localism: The idea of a global interconnected world sounds good on the surface. And yet “globalism” is actually a planet wide slave market for the billionaire class. Instead of a global world order that enslaves the masses for the benefits of the few, we need local systems that empower communities at the grass roots level. This is the best way to create systems with more equality, diversity, and ecological sustainability.

Citizenship for the Earth, Not Corporations: We live in a society where corporations are citizens, but the planet that we need for our very survival is deprived of all its rights. This needs to be reversed.

An End to Work: It is time to look beyond late stage capitalism. We are told that we cannot get by unless everyone works. Yet this need for constant production and toil is destroying the planet. Modern technology and AI will also soon make many jobs obsolete and unnecessary. So instead of seeing technology and AI as a threat, we should be using it as tools to build a future where it is no longer necessary to work—a future where more people can spend their days growing spiritually, making art, volunteering, spending time with family, gardening, getting in touch with nature, or unlocking the secrets of the universe.

An End to Settler Colonialism: Our world today is the legacy of white patriarchy and a European settler colonial campaign of genocide that has been terrorizing the globe for the last 500 years. It is time for that to end and for the rights/autonomy/land of indigenous people to be respected. This also includes respecting the rights and autonomy of those living in Haiti, the Congo, Gaza, and the West Bank.

An End to Endless War: The U.S. war machine is bigger than all other armies of the world combine and we have bases in nearly every country on the planet. By definition, we are an invading force occupying the rest of the globe. It is time for an end of a world that is suffering under the boot of the U.S. imperial machine. It is time to work toward a multipolar world where the diverse people of our planet all have a say in humanity’s future.

Housing, Food, Water, and Health Care for All: These things are all human rights. We are only as strong as our most vulnerable citizens. If the world has money for billionaires, it certainly has funds to feed, cloth, and provide housing to every person on the planet.

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Don’t Doom Scroll – Start the Revolution

We are living in a world order that is committing suicide. It is time for the visionaries of our world to step forward with bold new ideas of living on the Earth. We cannot afford to uphold the status quo any longer. The status quo is killing us and the planet. All spiritually minded people must work together to build systems focused on the greater good, ecology, and spiritual advancement.

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